Should I live in a sunny place?: Six questions to ask yourself.

Are you a sun worshipper? 

Are you asking yourself if should you live in a sunnier place? Those able to seriously contemplate a move have much to consider. During a casual dinner conversation, some questions were asked. Here are the results of the informal study.


In what weather condition would you prefer to: 


1. View a movie in a theatre?

(n = 1)

2. Ice skate in an indoor rink?

(n = 1)

3. Shop in an underground or enclosed mall?

(n = 1)

4. Jog on a treadmill in a two-story gym? 

(n = 1)

5. Jog outdoors in a scenic park? 

(n = 1)

6. Complain about the weather in a pub with friends?

(n = 1)


This study adds to the evidence that group bias is a major threat to the validity of social research and supports the usefulness of efforts to limit personal bias.
